Now to my favourite creature in the world! The dog. As I said before, I always wanted one, but couldn't have one as a kid. Well, once on my own I at first didn't get one. Everyone is so busy working and a dog needs the love, companionship and the space and exercise. With my now husband things changed. We were able to have a dog. We adopted Cleo, a black lab/border collie mix. 110 pounds, longer fur with some white spots. A total sweetheart. I took her in the woods. We played, ran, had tons of fun. Training her was not hard to do and she was the sweetest dog you can imagine.

We got her at around age two from a family that was getting a divorce. I couldn't believe the way she was locked up in a cage all day until the family got home. It was a very sad story. We had her for a short period of time and noticed some blood in her urin. We took her to the vet and it was discovered that she had bladderstones! She urgently needed surgery. My urgent request to everyone is to check the urine color and not to take it lightly. Thank God we noticed. It was blamed on poor quality dog food during the first two years of her life.
I was devestated having to leave her over night at the vets, but she made it. A couple of small stones and one as big as the top part of my thumb was taken out. I still can not believe that Cleo never showed any signs of pain at all. She was just like that. Never a whine at all.
It was tough times after, because she wasn't allowed to eat normal food. Just special canned food. Eventually we switched her over to Natural Choice. The first two years of her life she didn't get quality food. I knew about the differences when we took her . We fed her Natural Choice Lamb and Rice from day one and it is our brand of dog food ever since. She never had another problem again. She went with us whereever we went. We went camping and swimming together. She played with other dogs. She loved her rawhide bones!
One cute story in particular comes to mind: My husband went to work at the time and he had his morning routine. He made his sandwich and it stayed on the kitchen counter when he went for some other morning routine. Then suddenly he thought he was loosing it. "Didn't I make my sandwich yet???? Oh, well. I am loosing it." He made another one and went off to work.
Next day roughly the same thing again. Totally strange. He checked on Cleo, but she was laying on her blanket fast asleep. Couldn't have been her. It wasn't me, the wife. Yeah right. I insisted I didn't touch it. He made another one and went to work.
Well, then nothing happened for a day. On and off the story kept repeating itself, with no explanation. Until he decided to carefully watch. Liverwurst sandwiches seemed to be the main trigger. There just had to be an association with Cleo. She "kills" for them.
He made it, left it on the counter and went to the bathroom leaving the door slightly open. And sure enough, the big black sneak got off her blanket very quietly, went in to the kitchen, raised herself up to get the sandwich, enjoyed it, licked her jowels, and went back on the blanket right back to sleep. Hilarious. So unbelievable. Next morning we repeated it again, this time catching her in the act. Telling her NO, leave it, that is bad! Go to bed. She just turned around and went back to bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep. Yet she never did it again. She got the odd liverwurst sandwich piece, but with permission. ROFL.
She lived with bunnies, guineapigs and other creatures. She was nose to nose with baby guineapigs once.
She was our baby and spend nearly 17 years with us. We had to put her to sleep, because her arthritis was so bad that she wasn't able to walk anymore. We were with her when she went to sleep. It was the hardest thing we ever did. We thought we would never be able to be happy again. A piece of our life had gone missing forever. We had her cremated and I am keeping the urn and all her tags and things still. She will always be in our hearts! I hope she found a nice spot on Rainbow Bridge.
If you lost your pet check out A wonderful site I discovered during these sad times. It is good to share your grief with others.