Secrets of the Forest

I used to enjoy going hiking with my family when I was a kid. I learned a lot about the forest and its inhabitants. Even in the cities there is lots of nature. Not only exhaust and hectic. You just have to look for it and create an environment in your living space where Mother Nature can show its wonders.

And don't forget to look up to the sky!

You never know what is happening above you. This is a shot of an osprey gliding along looking for his next meal.

You can click on the image to see a bigger image of the Osprey.

Then again, there are things looking down at us too.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Frankie, my Phasmid friend and Dr. Bernstein, my Amphibian Friend, returned yesterday

I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday.  It has been a little while since saw Frankie.  He was back, but what was wrong with him?  See for yourself:

Poor Frankie.  I wonder what happened for him to lose one leg.  I watched him for a while and he wanted to go back along the siding, but because with one important leg missing he kept slipping back into the flowers.  I held out my hand and he willingly walked on to me.  I was wearing a bright orange shirt at the time. He was all over me in no time.  I tried to control where he went.  So he was okay as long as it wasn't a smooth surface.  I moved him over to the garden sheds.  There was a thunderstorm moving in quickly.  They are wooden sheds and it is rough wood, so he was able to climb and went into hiding up on the wall between the shingles and wood.  Poor Frankie.  I hope he will survive.Click on the images to enlarge to see more details.

Next I know right in my flowerbed, something hug is jumping.  I had startled Dr. Bernstein, my big fat toad.  He had disappeared on me from his bed by our deck a while ago.  There he was.  Mobile as hell.  Totally different creature than last time.  Boy could he jump despite all the weight.  I let him be, didn't have time to get the cam again for him.  Damn I put it in the house before moving Frankie to the sheds.  Now the lightning and thunder and rain was picking up.  I had to go.  I am sure Dr. Bernstein is fine and will stick in the area.

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