Later on I had some dutch bunnies, guinea pigs, gerbils, degus and of course hamsters. Digger was my first hamster and he had the run of our apartment most evenings. He didn't do any damage. Just stacking things in various places. Once he disappeared in the wall of the apartment building. I was very upset and could here him in the wall. He wouldn't come out. I sat there beside his cage and waited forever. Then I thought of luring him back out with his favourite treat. Cheese Whiz. I put his cage by the hole in the wall. After another hour or so at about 4 in the morning here came Digger. Dusty and dirty, but otherwise just fine. Right for the Cheese Whiz he went. He was with us for quite a few years.
BTW: I think now is a good time to order your calendar for next year. They make great gifts too. Check out the cool calendars at this link:
Order your pet calendar for 2010 today!
If you are looking for any pet products, check out the following links:
Click here for a great source for pet products for any kind of pet.
If you need anything for your pets, check the links on this page.
However, a dog was always my dream. They are truly man's best friend. Boy can we ever learn from them.
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